Identification Settings:
Enable QR code Scanner:
To enable QR code scanner, select ‘yes’. Select ‘No’ to disable QR code scanner.
Enable Anonymous QR code / Bar code:
To enable Anonymous QR code or Bar code, select ‘yes’. Select ‘No’ to disable that functionality.
Enable RFID Scanner:
To enable RFID scanner, select ‘yes’. Select ‘No’ to disable the RFID scanner.
Screen Timeout:
User can specify the screen time out for RFID and CODE scan in this field.

Enable Facial Recognition:
To enable Facial recognition, select ‘yes’. Select ‘No’ to disable facial recognition.
Set Facial Threshold:
User can specify the facial threshold value under this field.
Image and Name on Confirmation Screen:
Select ‘Yes’ to not to display image and name on the confirmation screen. Select ‘No’ to display them on confirmation screen.