Click on Users tab, Users page appears where the details of all the users who have access to the portal will be visible.
Name: This field indicates the first name and last name of the user
Email: This field indicates the email address of the user
Mobile: This field indicates the mobile number of the user
Role: This field indicates the role of the user under Role Privileges.
Status: This field indicates the status of the user whether Active or Inactive
Actions: Click on Edit Icon, a small popup appears as shown in the image, where the user can edit the user details and reset password.
Edit User: Click on Edit User.
After clicking Edit User, the popup appears as shown in the image where the details of user can be changed.
First Name: Enter of modify the first name of the user.
Last name: Enter of modify the last name of the user.
Mobile: Enter or change the mobile number of the user.
Role: Select the role of the user from the dropdown under this field. Roles authorization can only be given as per the Role Privileges.
Status: Select Active or Inactive radio button under this field.
Save: Click on ‘Save’ button, after modifying the details of the user to save the new details of the user.
Close: Click on close button to close the popup window.
Reset Password: Click on Reset Password to reset the password
Note: Refer to Reset Password Page for further steps.
Add User: To add the new user details, click Add button at the right corner.
A new popup window appears as shown in the image.
Email: Enter the email address of the user in the text box under this field.
First Name: Enter the first name of the user in the text box under this field.
Last name: Enter the last name of the user in the text box under this field.
Mobile: Enter the mobile number of the user in the text box under this field.
User Role: Select the role of the user from the dropdown under this field. Roles authorization can only be given as per the Role Privileges.
Select Active radio button to make user active.
or select Inactive radio button to make user inactive.
Save: Click on ‘Save’ button, after modifying the details of the user to save the new details of the user.
Close: Click on close button to close the popup window.