A member is a person who visited the institution or the company.
Members page displays all the details of members who were added by admin.
In this page, admin can edit the existing details of members and add the details of new members into the portal.
Click on ‘Members’ Tab.
Members management page appears with details of all the members as shown in Figure-1
Name: This field indicates the name of the member.
Email: This field indicates the email address of the member.
(Scroll towards right side to see the remaining details)
Mobile: This field indicates the mobile number of the member.
Unique ID: This is the unique ID generated when the admin adds the member into the portal.
Type: It indicates the type of member like Visitor or Staff or memeber or visitor etc.,..
Status: This is the status given by the admin to the member. Status could be Active or Inactive.
Registered Date: This field indicates the date at which the member was registered.
Picture on File: This field indicates whether the member photo was uploaded or not.
Actions: Click on Edit Icon under Actions column and select Edit Member to edit the details of the existing member as shown in Figure-3
Refer to ‘Edit Member’ Tab
To add the new member details, user can click on the Add button.
Refer to ‘Add Members’ Tab
Name Search:
User can search a keyword in ‘Name Search’ field, then the records matching that key word will get displayed as shown in Figure-5
Status Dropdown:
User can use this ‘Status dropdown’ to display member details based on the status by selecting from the dropdown as shown in Figure-6
Pagination: Refer to the ‘Pagination’ Tab :