New User
Click on Sign up Icon on the top right corner.
Fill all the mandatory fields.
Account Name: Enter the company name.
Contact Name: Enter the user first name and last name
Contact Email: Enter the user’s email address
Time Zone: Select the time zone from the dropdown based on user location.
Click on Captcha check box to confirm that the user is not a robot.
Click on ‘Save’.
Create a new password.
Refer to the password rules by hovering the cursor on the question mark icon
Enter the same password in the Confirm password textbox.
Click on Submit button.
Note: If the new password is not as per the requirement, or if it does not match with the confirm password, then the error message will be displayed as shown in the image.
Once user account gets created, user will see the confirmation page as shown in the image.
To login, Click on Click here to login
For further steps, please refer to section ‘Existing User’