All Temperature
Click on All temperature under-reporting Tab.

All Temperature Report page will appear with temperatures recorded from all the devices for the current date as shown in the image.
Temperature: If the temperature recorded by the device is above threshold, it will be in red colour or else green colour.
Recorded Time: It indicates the time and date at which temperature was recorded by the device.
Device Name: This field indicates the name of the device.

The user can use the Refresh Button in the left side of the image to refresh the All Temperature Report details.

Drop Down:
User can see the temperature report for a particular device or for all devices by selecting from the dropdown as shown in the below image.

By default, current day temperature report will be visible. User can see temperature report for multiple days by selecting the number of days from the calendar as shown in the image

Export: After selecting the specific devices and the number of days, Click on Export button to download the respective temperature report , excel will look as shown below

Refer to the ‘Pagination’ Tab

High Temperature
Click on ‘High Temperature’ tab.
High-Temperature Report page will be displayed with the high temperatures recorded from all the devices for the current date as shown in the image.

When the user clicks on the temperature for a particular device under Temperature field, the High-Temperature Report will be displayed
In addition to the already existing details, Colour, Thermal and IR images can be seen under this Report as shown below.