Go to Settings → Manage Mesh Gateway
ADD: Click on ADD button and fill the respective fields.
Mesh Gateway Name: Enter the name of the Mesh gateway.
Facility Name: Enter the facility name.
Location Name: Enter the location name where the gateways are placed.
Gateway Name: Enter the gateway names that is taken to form a mesh.
Only two gateways can be added to form a Mesh.
Notes: Any additional information to be mentioned can be given in this box.
Active: To keep the mesh gateway active, select this functionality.
Inactive: To keep the mesh gateway inactive, select this functionality.
Search: Specific mesh gateway name can be selected using this functionality.
Status: All, Active, Inactive gateways can be filtered using this functionality.
The respective fields are displayed with respect to the Mesh Gateway:
Mesh Gateway Name: The two gateways connected to form a mesh is displayed in this field.
Gateway Name: Name of the gateway is displayed in this field.
Notes: Notes will be displayed in this field.
Mesh Gateway Status: Active/Inactive status is displayed in this field.
Action: The mesh gateways can be edited by clicking the edit button.