Dashboard is the default Home Page of the portal which is visible to the user after successful login.
Green light beside ‘Dashboard’ indicates that the Real -time data is on.
Session should be expired automatically in all pages after 20mins except Dashboard. In Dashboard session shouldn’t get expired even after 20mins neither anytime and should stay on same page.
Custom column functionality allows user to select the specific columns based on his/her requirement. The available fields in dashboard are below:
Temperature (Indicates the recorded temperature by the device)
Time (Indicates the time at which the temperature was recorded)
Device Name
Device Serial Number
Name (Member Name)
Member Id
Access Id
Unique ID
Registration Status (Registration status based on questionnaire response)
Scan Status (Based on the temperature record, if normal then pass else fail)
Camera Icon: User can click this to see the captured picture of the member.
Click on the camera button.
After clicking the ‘Camera’ button, a new popup appears which provides options to capture different image types (color image, thermal image and IR image). User needs to click respective image type button to capture as shown in Figure-3.
Click Close button at the top right corner to close the Popup window.
Search Device: This drop down displays the listed/added devices by the user. User can select all devices or can enter the device name to see the respective data in the dashboard.
To see the recorded temperatures for a particular device, user can select the device name under this drop down.
Too Cold Temperature in Dashboard:
PASS(i.e., Too Cold) with Icon will display in Dashboard for temperature less than or equal to 93.1F/33.94C irrespective of any Version apart from device version equal to or greater than 3.4.144 as shown in Figure 1
PASS(i.e., Too Cold) with Icon will display in Dashboard for low temp less than or equal to 96.1F/35.6C if device version is greater than or equal to 3.4.144 as shown in Figure 1
On Click of PASS respective temperature details will be displayed in Dashboard as shown in Figure 2.
Too Cold temperature (Pass) color will be displayed in Light green as shown in Figure 1 and 2 and Normal temperature will be displayed in Little dark green compared to Too Cold under Dashboard. as shown in Figure 3
Respective Normal temperature details will be displayed in Dashboard if the temperature is greater than Too Cold temperature i.e., 96.1F/35.6C and 93.1F/33.94C as shown in Figure 3. as shown in Figure 3.
a) Eg: If Temperature is 96.8F/36C and Version is 3.4.144, in this case the same temperature i.e., 96.8 will be displayed in Dashboard
b)Eg: If Temperature is 93.6/34.2C and Version is 3.4.140( irrespective of any Version apart from device version equal to or greater than 3.4.144 ) , in this case the same temperature i.e., 93.6/34.2C will be displayed in Dashboard as shown in Figure 3.
Note: Too Cold and Normal temperature can verified for both Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature Units
Figure 1( Having for both Fahrenheit and Celsius)
Figure 2( Having for both Fahrenheit and Celsius)
Figure 3:
All Temperature:
User can see all the recorded temperatures by selecting ‘All Temperature’ from the drop down as shown in Figure-6
High Temperature:
Similarly user can see the high temperature records by selecting ‘High Temperature’ from the drop down.