Configuration Of the device:
Connect the BLE & WiFi Gateway to the respective device using USB to USB connector. Once it is connected, rainbow lights flickering constantly will be visible. This is the indication that the connection is through the USB to USB is done successfully.
Connect the Gateway to the device by disabling your respective WiFi connection and connecting it to the Gateway WiFi. The details of the connection is given below
Gateway Name Pattern: GW-‘MAC address for the gateway present behind the device’
Sample Gateway: GW-AC233FC00017. -
After the WiFi connection is successfully done, go to chrome browser and type the following URL:
The Login Page will be displayed as shown in the image. For the first set up, the Username will be “Admin” by default and the Password can be given as anything.
Once you are redirected to the gateway dashboard, in the in the four-squared box “Status” section, create you own password in “New Password” and click on “Apply”.
APP SSID: This section displays the WiFi name to which you are connected.
Go to “Network” section and select the option “Wireless” for the WiFi. Once selected, the page will be displayed as shown below:
In this section, the profile can be created by selecting the respective network connection from the drop-down list in “Available Access Point” as shown in the image. Once the connection name is selected, a profile gets created and can be seen in the “Profile list”. Then click on the Enter key(wifi password):
”Add profile only” and you will receive a pop-up as shown below, click on OK box.
Click on Restart service for the gateway to take effect then you will receive another pop-up as shown below, click on Apply box. Click Apply.
When another WiFi network is selected the second time, it will not allow you to “Save profile only” and displays an error saying “The profile with the name already exists”.
Hence it is recommended to delete the previous one and then follow the step 6 again.
7. Fill the following details in the “Service” section:
Url: ssl:// – URL information of the specific domain.
Sample URL – and -
Upload Way: USB
Client ID: ac233fc00017 (This is the device ID and will be unique for every device).
Username: Address of the device. Unique for every device)
The ID after the ‘/’ should match the device MAC address, if not the data will not get synced.
Password: SharedAccessSignature….
The complete password will be given through backend.
The password should be updated every 365 days, when it expires provide the client ID to the customer care and they will generate a new key ID.
Status Publish Topic: devices/ac233fc00017(Device ID, which is unique for every device)/messages/events/
(Here ac233fc00017 is the device ID and it should match to the device ID, else it will not sync the data). -
Rssi Filter: -60
Raw data filter: ^.*0EF6458FDF0146AE9784D5A2A2E09AE7.*
(This is the UUID of the beacon) -
Upload iBeacon: YES
Upload S1: NO
Upload Unknown: NO
Upload Gateway: YES
Upload specific mac addresses only: NO
After filling out all the sections as mentioned, click on Apply.
Customer Care :
Help Website:
Web and Online Chat:
Call: +1 650-425-3050