Confirmation section enables user to customize what a member sees upon completion of the registration. User can decide the confirmation format by enabling or disabling multiple options provided under this section.

Header: This will be displayed as header of the confirmation message to the member on their screen. The max length of this field is restricted to 60 characters.
Body: User can provide the body of the confirmation message in the text box under this field. This will become the body of the confirmation message which will be visible to the member on the screen.

Display Unique QR Code: Once the user checks this, he/she will get the option to select ‘Display Temperature scan details associated with QR Code’ and ‘Display Color border around QR Code’. Based on the QR Code requirement user can select or deselect from the menu.
Check the ‘Display Unique QR Code’ to display the QR Code. In case you only want member to answer the questions and do not want QR scan enabled, you can disable this field.
Enable the ‘Display Temperature scan details associated with QR Code’, if user wants to show the last checked in time stamp along with the QR code.
Note- This option does not support the one time QR Code.
Display color border around QR Code enables members to have red/green border around QR code based on Questionnaire status.
Note- If the questionnaire is disabled this option won’t be displayed to user.

Enable Confirmation mail – Enable this option, if you want members to get notified after their successful registration by an email.
You can set the notification email subject and write the message that you want to show in the body of the email.
Confirmation SMS: Member will receive the confirmation SMS on phone. This is a mandatory field.
Do not generate QR Code for failed Questionnaire– If you select this option, user will not receive the QR code for failed questionnaire otherwise the QR code will be there in failed questionnaire.
You can also specify the message to be displayed for the failed questionnaire screen.
Failed SMS: Member will receive the failed registration notification through a SMS on phone.
Failed Email: It enables member to receive the notification email for failed questionnaire.